The Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies (SJMS) is an online, open access journal publishing both high quality research and valuable practice-oriented studies relevant to the military profession. Hence, the journal consists of two distinct tracks: A practice-oriented track comprising articles (predominantly) authored by professionals and often holding practical advice or clear policy recommendations for the military profession; a research track open for original research within the broad remit of “military studies”. Articles in both tracks are subjected to double-blind peer review.
SJMS aims to strengthen networks and the field of military studies within Scandinavia, but we welcome original research and practice-oriented studies from around the world dealing with issues relevant to the military profession and the broader field of military studies. As an explicitly pluralistic journal, SJMS welcomes articles and proposals from all perspectives and methodological points of departure.
The journal is produced and published by Scandinavian Military Studies (SMS), a consortium involving the Norwegian Defence University College, the Centre for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen, the Royal Danish Defence College and the Swedish Centre for Studies of Armed Forces and Society.
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